What is a Public Notary or Notary Public?
It is the same thing. A notary public is someone who has been appointed by the state to authenticate legal documents and verify the identity of the document’s signer(s). Notaries can be individuals such as lawyers or government officials or Responsible individuals who can administer oaths or witness signatures on legal documents. A notary public is also sometimes called a loan signing agent or a loan signing notary.
Notarization (the process of getting your document signed by a notary public) helps prevent fraud by ensuring individuals authenticate their documents before they can be used. It can also help confirm that the signer intended to sign the document and wasn’t pressured into doing so (e.g. through undue influence, coercion or duress, etc.), similar to signing your document in front of a witness.
For instance, as a Notary Public, when signing a Prenuptial Agreement, it is very important that the signers signed out of their own free will, understood what they were signing was a contract, and signed with their correct legal names. Signing a prenup with a notary public can help prevent avoidable issues and assist in proving all the right steps were taken in the event that the document’s validity is questioned in the future.
A mobile notary public can also do a number of other tasks, such as:
Witness signatures
Certify copies of legal documents
Administer oaths or affirmations to individuals (to verify the contents of documents are true)
For some documents, notarization is required (meaning, without it, your document may be invalid or unusable).
For example, an Affidavit is a statement of facts provided under oath. It is generally used to verify something a person knows is true (like their identity) but in order to make this assertion, it needs to be sworn in front of a notary public (or someone else authorized to administer oaths).
In other words, without completing the crucial step of swearing your document in front of a notary, an Affidavit is just a bunch of text on a page that cannot be used in a court or by another entity.
Where do you provide Notary Services?
We will come to you in a place that is convenient for you. This can be your home or office, a restaurant, or even a nursing home, hospital, or federal, state or county correctional facility. The 305 Notary specializes in providing prompt and convenient attention that lets you focus on your client.
May a Notary give Legal advice or draft legal documents?
No. All states prohibit non-attorneys from practicing law. A Notary can be held liable for any damages resulting from an incorrectly chosen certificate or notarization.
What forms of Payment are acceptable for payment?
The 305 Notary accepts a variety of payments. We take all major credit cards, PayPal, Zelle. Billing can be arranged for business customers and escrow companies with invoice.
Are there documents a notary public cannot notarize?
If a document is recorded with a government agency such as a Secretary of State’s office, a County Clerk or a court, certified copies should be obtained from that agency. Mobile notaries cannot notarize these documents.
What forms of Identification are Acceptable?
Mobile notaries accept a variety of documents. A current driver’s license, passport, non-driver’s license ID or military ID is always acceptable.
Note: Only U.S. issued identifications are acceptable forms of ID.
What hours are your service available?
For Mobile/Traveling Notary: Typically we operate by appointment scheduling online which is 24 Hours with a 1 hour lead time for same day service.
For Notary at our Office: Opening Hours: MONDAY - FRIDAY (9am to 5pm) or SATURDAY (10am - 2pm) ** Scheduled Appointment is still required.
What are the Fee's?
See Fee Structure here
What is Notary Service?
A notary is a person appointed by the state government to serve as an official and impartial third-party witness to the signing of important documents.
By providing notarization on the document, the notary verifies the identity of the people who are signing and confirms that they are not committing an act of fraud.
What is a Mobile Notary?
A mobile notary is a notary who travels from one location to another to perform notarial services. They can perform any notarial service prescribed by their state’s laws. However, mobile notaries commonly perform services for real estate or mortgage transactions. Because of this, many mobile notaries are hired by title companies and lenders to notarize these complex documents and ensure they meet legal requirements.
Because mobile notaries travel to the customer’s location, they are very convenient for clients who have work, school, and other obligations. Plus, some clients may be limited in transportation options and may not have notary options close by.